It seems AntennaPod is the best feed (RSS/Atom) reader nowadays. And that's kind of weird, because AntennaPod is a podcast app and feed reading is its additional feature.
I think I tried all feed readers available in F-Droid repo and some from Google Play. Majority have weird limitations when comes to storing items. NewsBlur, in some cases, stores only 100 newest items. Sometimes 500 and sometimes 1000. Why? I have no idea. Can user change that setting? No. If a feed publishes more than 100 items since last time I read it, I'm losing news items.
I can understand there's such limit in NewsBlur, because it's not open source and works in cloud. But why are there similar, impossible to change, limits in open source apps working offline and available in F-Droid?
Many feed readers don't support sorting feeds from oldest to newest.
AntennaPod is the only feed reader available (that I was able to find) that doesn't have weird artificial limits and allows me to sort items from oldest to newest. Do I really require so much?
Good feed readers lose support, they don't get updates, one day they get so old that it's no longer possible to run them. Sometimes, someone creates a new app of that kind but usually they lack quite simple features. It seems that won't change. There's no money in this area, there are only hobbyists trying to make something nice. And that's awesome that someone wants to make something good and share it for free. Anyway, I feel like quality of feed readers degraded since Google Reader died. It was begging of the end of news feeds era.
Utwór został stworzony przez AllDragonsAreDead i jest dostępny na licencji CC BY-SA 4.0
This work by AllDragonsAreDead is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0